Monday, July 7, 2008

July 6th, Meeting Joop at the Fort Collins Hilton

We woke up and went to meet my son Joop, who had slept in the local Hilton. We shared breakfast at the same Bluebird Cafe at Laurel St. And we all smoked a selfrolled cigarette from Joops sacket: American Blend.

The we made the trip of about an hour to the Shambala center Joop was to start his meditation training months.
All of a sudden we had to stop because cowhands had rounded up some 100 cattle, and those crossed our way. We felt we were really in the Wild West!

It was great landscape that enrolled before us.

At the Shambala center we were all very friendly invited to drinks and cookies and to have a look. We brought Joops baggage to his tent. And we went up to see to magnificent Stupa, with the Buddha inside. After awhile we said goodbye to Joop. We wanted to see more snow.

Joop happy in his tent! We drove for another two hours tot the South, to Espen, right in de middle of the Rocky Mountains National Park. We found an empty motelroom, had a good dinner, and there is internet so we can share this with you!
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Unknown said...

Wat een raar gezicht dat jullie zo met z'n 3-en aan het roken zijn.. Heel leuk dat jullie Joop naar het Shambala centrum gebracht hebben.


Reint said...

Ha die Annelies,
ja dat was even kicken, dat shaggie op dat stoepje! Liefs Reint