Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New Holstein, Wednesday July 30th

With 19 Cubs we made a fly out to Lakewood, about 1.5 hour flying to the Northwest. Situated in beautiful forest country. We had great lunch there, and flew back, ready for the Big Pig Roast this evening. I was invited for the ride by Randle Croffman, and we had a great time!

We had a photoshoot from the ground as well from the air. Here Fdx Lou takes off to make an aerial picture of all 19 Cubs. Ron Ruidiso waves him off.

On our way back we followed Ron in a nice low flying track.

Cecilia choose to stay on the ground today and played violin.
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New Holstein, Tuesday July 29th

Monday I spent on Oshkosh, drove with Carol and Rollie to this great event. Today I spent at New Holstein.Cecilia went with Tibbity Pierce to Manitowow, to go shopping. At New Holstein a sign says we are waiting for Cajun Joe to arrive.

Steve Johnson was secretly photographed by Taylor Pierce, using the wi fi internet connection he set up!

More and more Cubs are arriving, among the Wilbur and Dean. Steve invited me to practice some landings in his Cub with big wheels.
AFter that I went to sleep a bit.

In the evening Cecilia played with the children. And while we were attacked by mosuitoes, some of us watched the wonderful movie 'All the way to Kabul'. on the DVD that I bought at the EAA convention yesterday.
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Monday, July 28, 2008

New Holstein Ouverture

Sunday morning: good flying weather. Cecilia is invited by Rollie to fly with him in N432X to New Holstein, while Carol, Jeff (Carols brother) and Reint drive to the New Holstein Airport. There the New Holstein Super Cub Fly In will be held. We can stay in Carol and Rollies camper, along Runway 22.

Cecilia and Rollie take off in Whitelaw.

In New Holstein we meet many old and new friends: among them Billie and Andrew who invite Cecilia to play soccer with them. JHust when new Australian friends arrive, we get a wonderful airshow by this Chipmunk Special. A great ouverture to Fly In 2008.
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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Lunch in Iola

The weather was good, Carol had to go to a business meeting. So Rollie invited me to join him for lunch in Iola (Central Co, WI).
The Cub was propped in the hangar and off we went!

Carol waves us off from the deck. First we land in Windhaven to gas up. Then it goes in a bit more than an hour West, to Iola. The Club restaurant is built 'For the love of flying'. Every Friday there is Fly In lunch: hamburgers, potatosalad, bratwurst, icecream, all included for $ 7,00.

Inside of the hangar ..

Then we fly back and we have time to get the mowers out to clip the grass on the runway.

Beautiful Wisconsin!
Click here for all pictures taken!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Oshkosh, visit to the EAA Museum

Today, Thursday July 17th, I went with Rollie to the EAA Museum in Oshkosh. This fantastic Aviation Museum is there all year, complete with an old time airfield, also in use. I became member of the EAA, so I will get a discount when I visit Oshkosh Airventure in two weeks time. I made a lot of pictures when I was in the Museum. You can see them if you go to:
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ride around the block

When I returned from Greenbay seeing Cecilia off, Rollie flew in his PA11 Cub. He had it refuelled and invited me for 'a ride around the block'.

I stepped in the Cub, and he propped it, got in and up we went!

Just half an hour, but I felt reborne! If you want to see more pictures of this go to:

July 15th, Cecilia leaves for Santa Barbara, California

This morning I drove Cecilia in Carol and Rollies Buick to Greenbay Strauber Airport.

Cecilia uses her stay in the USA to meet a friend she met last year in Switzerland, during an international training of Marshall Rosenbergs Center for Non-Violent Communication. She bought now her own camera, so hopefully she might send up some pictures from the westcoast.

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Quiet Sunday

Today we have a quiet day. Carol is sleeping off her night shift at the hospital, Reint and Rollie went to New Holstein to meet friends and do some shopping.

Rollie cleans his Mustang after we hit a deer last night (luckily no one was hurt, even the deer was nowhere to be seen)

Cecilia prepares one her wellknown famous salads for our dinner.
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July 11th and 12th, end of the trip to the Rockies in N4315R

This is Lake Winnebago, Fond du Lac. North West is Oshkosh, North East lies New Holstein and Manitowoc. Oskosh Airventure will start July 25th, New Holstein SuperCub Fly In July 27th!

Erik puts 'our'plane in the Lakeshore Aviation Hangar. We take our baggage with the trolley to the courtesy car to drive home to Carol and Rollie in Whitelaw. Mission Trip to the Rockies completed.

July 12th: Cecilia meets CFI Leon, and receives this macho pilot as a trophy to bring back to Holland. We settle our bill: 20.4 hours at US$ 95,-. We planned a trip of 20 hours, so we did quite well, thanks to the wonderful Cessna4315Romeo.

And this the map with the actual track we flew and the car drives in the Rockies.

From rightup Wisconsin, we flew the northers path to Dwayne (Nebraska), to Sterling (Colorado) and to Loveland Colorado. The little track up north west is to the place where we brought Joop. The track to the West was over the Rockies and the Continental Divide and back. Then the Southern track through Colorado Phillipsburg, Kansas, Leavenworth and Kansas City Wheeler Downtown. The further east to Brookfield (Missouri), Pella (Iowa), and so back via Dubuque, Fond du Lac, Manitowoc.
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July 11th, last leg to Manitowoc

We we took off from Pella (Iowa), we still had about 350 nm to go. But we had a fair tailwind ( 35 kts), so we were really speeding along with 135 kts/hour.

First the Iowa landscape, then at Dubuque we crossed the Mississippi.

The clouds got in the way at 3500 feet, so climbed above them to 5500 feet. And so we happily reached first Fond du Lac, then we made two circles over Carol and Rollies house and landed safely at KMTC, Manitowoc airport. In our next blog we will try to make a map with the outline of this wonderful trip!
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Friday, July 11th, Lunch in Pella, Iowa

We landed at random at Pella Airport, to refuel. When Mr Van der Voort, the airport manager heard we were Dutch, he insisted we take the courtesy car to the town, to see the originally Dutch built windmill plus museum. So we did!

Me in front of the windmill!

So many Dutch things to see and do in Pella! In the Museum we met people from Zeeland. The Museum director had his birthday anniversary the very day, so we all Dutch visitors paid him tribute by singing Lang zal hij Leven (Happy Birthday) and dancing around him!

Then we had good coffee with Belgian choclat at Van Veen's place before we went on to Wisconsin.

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July 11th, Back to Wisconsin, morning

Frijday morning we said goodbye to the friendly Beechcraft Jetcenter people.

We had a great view of the TWA SuperConnie near the TWA Museum, and took off North East. Wewanted to follow the Mississippi river from Keok.

First we had great weather, but we heard on the AWOS of the next airport: lighting from all corners!

So we landed quickly at Brookfield, Missouri. Nobody to be seen, but we could get into the airconditioned FBO.

There we phoned 1`-800-WX-Weather. A friendly man advised us on a new northerly route that would get us around the thunderstorm.
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Two nights in Kansas City with Dana

July 9th and 10 th we spent with Dana and her dog Shorty. Cecilia did her meditation in a kajak in Lake Waukomis.

We got a free crewcar from Beechcraft Jetservices, and Cecilia made us a great dinner.

We ready to fly back to Wisconsin the next Friday!
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