Sunday, August 3, 2008

New Holstein 2008, Goodbye!

This is a what the thunderstorm looked like from Whitelaw, before it hit New Holstein Friday afternoon. Luckily all survived with their Cubs. Only their tents and clothes were soaked, but could be dried at the Laundromat.

Saturdaymorning Cecilia an I arrived back at NH to pack our things and share the last breakfast with our old and new friends.

Both Steve Johnson and Cecilia were presented a good bottle of New Holstein wine.

Here I say goodbye to Ron Massey before his take off to New Mexico.

With almost everyone gone except for Wilbur and Sharon (who was expecting Wayne coming from Oshkosh), Randy, Jay and their family treated all of us to a fantastic lunch with fresh cheese, sausages, and self brewn beer and self made wine. Especially Cecilia was testing all of it. Then we drove off in 'our' pickup truck back to Whitelaw. Thank you New Holstein, thank you wonderful family!
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1 comment:

joshua said...

Loved it.